Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SEO For Joomla Sites

Today various platforms are available for web design. Like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or any other CMS. Here I am going to discuss about SEO with Joomla platform.

As per my point of view, Joomla is not Search Engine friendly. Its default URL creation it’s really horrible. It might create duplicate content in several ways.

Default URLs of Joomla can be reframed as Search engine friendly Urls. Below is one of the plug-ins which will convert Joomla’s complicated and non search engine friendly URLs into static search engine friendly URls.


Above URL plug-in will solve the main problems that Joomla creates by pointing so many URLs at the same content.

Default structure of Joomla page title is: “SiteName – PageName”

This crates problem when there is long site name and long page name. Crawler can count only few characters while displaying results in SERP. Because of that sometimes it may happen your important world don’t get chance to get visibility or to get priority in SERP.

To resolve this problem, just do one required change in the joomla.php file (which is located at includes/joomla.php).

Change below code

$this->_head['title'] = $title ? $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'] . ' - '. $title : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];


$this->_head['title'] = $title && $title != "Home" ? $title : $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename'];

I got this solution from one of the forum, just try it once, it will definitely help you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One Way Linking - Two Way Linking - Three Way Linking

One way linking:
Getting link back to you site from another site is called one way linking, in which you are only putting link in other site, but not receiving that site link on your webpage.

For example:
Your site -- www.abc.com
Other site -- www.xyz.com

In one way linking, abc.com will place its link in xyz.com, and it will give you backlink. www.abc.com --> www.xyz.com

Two way linking:
Two way linking also called reciprocal linking, in which you have to give link back to all those site from which are getting link back.

For example:
Your site – www.abc.com
Other site – www.xyz.com

In two way linking, abc.com place its link in xyz.com and same way xyz.com place its link in abc.com. It like give and take relationship

www.abc.com --> www.xyz.com

www.abc.com <-- www.xyz.com

Three way linking:

The webmasters who own multiple sites are basically involved in three way linking. They used to get link back through his own websites.

For example: One has 3 websites.

Now site1 place its link on site2, site2 place its link on site3, site3 place its link on site1. This technique is called three way linking.

Why one way linking?
One way linking is most preferable and ethical technique. I strongly recommend going for one way linking program rather than two ways or three way linking.

Advantages of one way linking
  1. The most easy to create one way link.
  2. Less time consuming.
  3. More effective rather than two way or three way linking.
  4. Ethical way of link building.

Why not two linking?
  1. Two way linking (link exchange) have few disadvantages as listed below.
  2. Search engine can easily identify link exchanged links, they give high preference to two way links.
  3. Its not sure how long you link will be visible on other website, they can remove it any time without information.
  4. You can’t control the placement of your reciprocal link, other site can place your link anywhere in their whole site.
  5. Reciprocal link might be coming from the page which itself contains thousand of out going links which reduce the quality of your back link from that site.
  6. Links to other website on your website, directs traffic to other sites from your site.

Why not three way linking?
Most people appealing in 3 way linking are doing it with the express goal to control search results. This usually means they are trying to make automated bots think their ideas are better than they are, and are willing to do deceptive things to do it.

There are legitimate reasons to do three way links, but most of the three way link partnerships I have been offered are not worth.

The real problem is that if their two sites are not connected and they are primarily working to benefit the link popularity of their main site then it does not really hurt them if the site linking to you gets banned. If those sites get banned then they parse no link popularity to you.

In doing this webmasters can agressively market their high margin websites while keeping them somewhat shielded from the dangerous effects of their aggressive promotion.

In fact many marketers might set up 20 or 30 or more secondary sites to change links with.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Negative On-page Factor

Below is the list of few important negative on page factors to keep in mind while creating website.

  1. Text in graphical format rather than actual body text on web page.
  2. Affiliate website.
  3. Over optimization penalty – keyword stuffing, meta tag stuffing, over use of H1, H2, H3 etc.
  4. Bad incoming links, link farming.
  5. Redirection through refresh meta tag.
  6. Google respond strictly for copyright violation.
  7. Frequently content change.
  8. Redirected and hidden linking
  9. Search engines can’t able to read flash, provide html alternative.
  10. Hidden text.
  11. Gateway or Doorway pages generation
  12. Spider face problem in indexing page in frame structure.
  13. Duplicate contents.
  14. Violation of HTML code.
Read positive on page factors to optimize the web site.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Google Search Engine Ranking Factor

Lot many different factors affect in on-page and off-page optimization to get high position in Google search engine result pages (SERP).

Some of them are very common to keep in mind while performing on-page optimization. It may give positive or negative effect if Google change their criteria. So its your duty to verify it before applying to your site.

Positive On-page Factor

  1. Keyword in URL
  2. Keyword in title tag
  3. Keyword in meta tag description
  4. Keyword in meta tag keyword
  5. 5-20% (for all keywords) and 3-5% (for single keyword) keyword density in body
  6. Use H1, H2, H3 for keywords
  7. Keyword proximity (for 2+ keywords)
  8. Keyword prominence
  9. Keyword in alt text
  10. Keyword in anchor text
  11. All page must be connected to home page at max. by 2 clicks
  12. Domain name extension does matter
  13. File size must not exceed 100k
  14. One or two hyphen in URL is not a problem, four or more hyphens is bad and creates spammy look, ten hyphens is spam for sure.
  15. Keep updating pages regularly
  16. Use minimum characters in URL, less than 100 is good. Less is even better.
  17. Google like large sites but not supplement machine generated pages.
  18. Old is gold. Google like old aged sites.
  19. New pages on old sites will get fast reorganization.

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Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Myself Ankita Shah, Webmaster and SEO Expert. Contact me to get SEO Services.
